Connect the modem to power and reset it to the original factory configuration by holding the reset button for 15 seconds.. Then press the Enter key on your keyboard. Privacy policy About Support Disclaimers. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. And also provide How to change router wireless password.
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How to Reset the Thomson STv6 Router To Default Settings If you still can not get logged in then you are probably going to have to reset your router to its default settings. So wpeedtouch you are getting regular DSL cuts, check that your router idle time is set to a large number of minutes eg.

If your Internet Service Provider supplied you with your router then you might want to try giving them a call and see if they either know what your router's username and password are, or maybe they can reset it for you. If you want to reboot your router, follow below steps. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.
Thomson ST585v6 Router – How to Factory Reset
We have a large list of Thomson Passwords that you can try located here. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. You can use any web browser you like to login to the Thomson STv6. And also provide How to change router wireless password.
You are now ready to follow one of our other guides. Login if necessary the default username is Administrator.
How to Login to the Thomson STv6
You can easily reset your wireless WiFi router. There is a big difference between Resetting a router and Rebooting a router.

The process for older model SpeedTouch modems is similar. Also trying to find if it shows the SNR anywhere in its system information.
Some routers may have an "always connected" setting which will override all of the foregoing and leave your DSL connection in permanent connect mode, which is the ideal solution! This post will detail how to reset back to a factory default configuration the Thomson STv6.

Then press the Enter key on your keyboard. In this example we'll use Internet Explorer.
Think i will be sticking with the speedtouch and see how it goes. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. There are 2 additional ways spsedtouch you can determine your router's IP address:. Otherwise your DSL connection may go up and down every five minutes.
Visit Official Sky Website. If you can not get logged in to your Wireless router, here a few possible solutions you can try.
Thomson Speedtouch ST585v6
To fix this there is a router setting usually called something like "Maximum Idle Time" which will cause the internet DSL connection to be dropped after a period of no internet use. This s5t85v6 was last edited on 31 Octoberat First you need to Hard Reset the router then you can use the default password to access your router.
If you have a ST DSL modem connected to a router, it is best if the router's idle timeout feature if it has one be disabled. The Thomson STv6 has a web interface for configuration.
Thomson SpeedTouch - wireless router - DSL modem - b/g - desktop Specs - CNET
Retrieved from " https: This article has also been viewed thomsn, times. May 7, Eric Warlock 0 Comments. The newer TG o2 box was the same aswell. Tips Instead of creating your own game or application, you can select a pre-defined one. Here we are also provide Reboot methods of Thomson routers.
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